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The 1893 Society
The 1893 Society has been established to recognize the thoughtfulness and generosity of alumni and friends who have remembered the East Stroudsburg University Foundation in their estate plans. Through The 1893 Society, the Foundation has an opportunity to recognize and thank these donors during their lifetimes. Membership to the 1893 Society is open to individuals who have established an endowment fund at the ESU Foundation and/or named the Foundation as a beneficiary in their estate plans, such as a will, living trust, life insurance policy, retirement account, donor-advised fund or charitable trust.
Members of The 1893 Society provide a bright future for East Stroudsburg University and generations of students. It is through the vision and generosity of The 1893 Society members that we can fulfill the goal of offering our students the opportunity for self-development, self-expression, leadership and service. Through the years, many alumni who benefited from their education and nurturing relationships with faculty have demonstrated their appreciation for their ESU education through thoughtful and generous planned gifts. These gifts have increased the Foundation's endowment which provides an important source of income to address the University's priorities for scholarship assistance for bright and deserving students, funds for faculty development and opportunities for facility improvements.
For more information on how to provide for the ESU Foundation through an endowment fund or your estate plan, please contact us at (570) 422-3333 or email [email protected].
The 1893 Society Membership Form
The 1893 Society recognizes alumni and friends who have established an endowment fund and/or included the ESU Foundation in their estate plans. All planned gifts to the ESU Foundation qualify for recognition in The 1893 Society.
A Grateful Alumni
Anonymous (2)
Jennifer M. Ahrens '94
Neil N. '96 and Gladys Baksh
Mary Sue '60 M'69 and Louis A. Balducci
James '05 and Kathryn Barchiesi
Florence L. (Peachy) Barkman
Karen '95 and Kerry R. Beetel
Eli and Christine Berman
James L. Borger '59
Donald R. and Dolores B. Bortz
Jack G. Bowers
Richard N. '60 and Jean M. '89 Brewer
Elliot H. and Victoria E. Brown
Robert P. Brunet
Jone J. Bush
Lynn P. Bush
Jeanne C. Chambers '73
Jack P. '67 and Anne V. Childs
Darell T. and Cindy Covington
William B. and Barbara Cramer
Patricia M. and David W. Crotty
Roger L. DeLarco '80
Gertrude Q. '70 and Bruce A. Denlinger
Gypsy M. Denzine
Jean M. DeSchriver '74
Patricia D. Devlin '55*
Roseann Dillman
Stephanie L. Doherty '85
Ann R. Edinger '73
Judy Edwards
Karen M. '79 and Joseph El-Chaar
William C. Eves '71
Sue C. Falvello '60
J. David and Hinda Farmer
Dolores S. Faust '66 M'69
James G. '95 and Funmilayo Franklin
Barbara A. and James P. '52* Frawley
Gere B. Fulton '60
Daisy M. and Robert Gallagher
John R. Gantz '63
Deborah L. Gebhardt '69
James E. and Betty B.* Gilbert
Gregory E. and Sharon Gilbert
Ann E. Gladfelter McGinnis '82 and Kenton R. McGinnis, Jr.
Julie and Michael Glavin
Marge E. '59 and Donald L. '56* Griffith
David A. '76 M'84 and Moira A. '77 Hair
Harriet D. '56 and George D. '58* Hall
Harrison G. and Dolores M. Hartman
Noretta Herman '59
Frank V. Hermann '53
Angela J. Herrlinger '92 M'98
Joseph C., Jr. '63 and Joanne P. '64 Heverin
Sandra Hoeffner
Jorene Jameson '69 and James Wylie
Wendy A. Jankoski '82 and Paul Lapinski
Russell F. '80 and Christine Jones
Stephen and Gail Kalman
Robert A. '58 and Anne E. Kearn
Bob '71 and Sandy Kelley
Martha S. Kellow
Gary A. '77 and Debra G. '81 Kessel
Vertie B. Knapp '73*
Richard B. '69* and Wendy H. Koch
Linda D. Koch '69 M'71
Robert D. Kreidler
Constance R. Krick '60 M'65
Hank C. Kunkel '73
Jeffrey J. Land '79
Douglas C. and Sharon G. Lane
Brooke K. '91 M'96 and Jerome J. '07 Langan
Harry F. and Jeannie M. Lee
Judith A. '76 M'86 and James H. Leiding
Helen F. '50 and Wellington* Lester
Marcus S. Lingenfelter '95
Susan C. (Brink) Longo '72 M'87
Kenneth E. Maclary
Hussain G. Malik
Susan F. and Donald R. Mancuso
Michael D. '97 and Jennifer Mancuso
Randy S. '78 and Valerie A. '79 Maugle
Kathryn A. McLaughlin Waltz '70
William "Bing" McNulty '62
Ronald J. Meyers
Jessica Miccio
Phyllis M. Milder
Robert B., Jr. and Laurie Miller
Maury J. Molin '76
Frank M. Montano '69
Robert M. Moses
William W. Moyer '61
Michael B. Murphy '93 M'96 and Marni F. Freeman-Murphy '93
Clarence J. and Elizabeth Murphy
Deborah Newlin Smith '75
R. Sam '82 and Linda L. '83 Niedbala
Sandra O'Neil-Seiler '57
Patricia A. Ori '61
Jerry and Hedy Orodenker
Robert S. '70 and Cyndi Ott
Jeannette M. and Carl J. Pergam
Trudy M. Piatt*
Frank '73 M'76* and Nancy Pullo
Deborah A. Raykovitz '75
Joseph Reilly
Michael D. '00 and Kerri M. Rhine
Ritchey J. '65 M'72 and Roberta A. '66 Ricci
James C., III and Susan D. Roberts
Jane E. Huffman* M'07 and Douglas Roscoe
Kevin P. '83 and Candace A. '81 Ruddy
Sandra L. and Ernest E.* Rydell
Larry M. '58 M'64 and Barbara Rymon
Robert M. '65* and Elizabeth Ann Sabol
Darleen Schaare-Schott '63
Arthur R. '62 and Fannie A. '62 Schisler
Robert C. Serfass '62
Niandong Shi and Youjun Yang
Elaine M. Shuey and George Munn
W. George '74 and Cynthia M. '74 Shultz
Scott Simonds '90 and Patricia Fonzi
Barry E. '62 and Norma Slemmer
Patricia S. and John W. Smeaton
Grace Smith
Louise C. Solliday '74
Stephen M. and Sharon D. Somers
Richard A. Staneski
Ray J. Starner '69
Adam S. '00 M'02 and Erin Stauffer
Margaret L. Stish '64 M'67
Judith L. Stivala '75
Robert G. Sutton and Linda L. DeRenzis-Sutton
Charles T., II '84 M'86 and Teresa M. Taylor
Martha M. '65 and Ronald M. Tirpak
Doreen M. Tobin
Donald L. Tshudy
Ellen M. and William D.* Walker
Faith H. Waters and Edward C. Kimes
Diana E. Weaver '57
Jeffrey and Audrey Weber
Amy '85 and Robert J. Welch
Robert H. '75 and Julieann Willever
Carol A. Wolf '68
Eric E. '85 and Bonita A. '86 Wyatt
Rory J. '84 and Diane E. Yanchek
Richard A. '60 and Sandra L. '60 Zimmer
Names listed in bold are members of the President's Circle.
*Deceased; Italics: Gift in kind